Mgr. Vladimír Tregl
- vedoucí správy památkového objektu SZ Zákupy (kastelán)
- 602 698 367
Next to the castle is situated wide parking place.
Castle tours are not barrier-free.
If you want to visit the castle is necessary to be accompanied by someone who help you to the floor. We really recommend report your visit before you come. (+420 487 857 278)
There is no place for sitting during the tour.
Pets on lead with a muzzle in castle park are allowed.
Tours with small pets in your hands or a bag is allowed.
Movement pets on the courtyard is prohibited.
Bicycle stands are situated in I. courtyard of the castle. It is banned to lean the bike against the wall.
Cycling in the areal and the park is prohibited.
Small refreshment is situated in the II. courtyard.